Medical students engage in „Put your shoulder to the wheel, get vaccinated!” youth information and mobilization campaign
Students of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, members of the Association of Medical Students and Residents of Moldova (AMSR), will visit universities and hostels, as volunteers, to inform young people about the importance of immunization against the new type coronavirus. At the same time, medical students will participate directly in the vaccination process of students, in collaboration with the territorial medical associations from Chisinau.
The activities will be organized between September 28 ‒ November 28, 2021, and are part of COVID-19 Vaccination Information and Mobilization Campaign for students and young people of the Republic of Moldova, entitled ”Put your shoulder to the wheel, get vaccinated!” and launched on September 28, 2021 by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Research, jointly with AMSR and the Council of Rectors of the Republic of Moldova, with the support of the European Union and the World Health Organization (WHO).
According to Emil Ceban, Rector of Nicolae Testemitanu University, present at the event, for doctors it is very important that people get vaccinated because this will reduce the pressure on the entire medical system.
”Only through immunization do we have the chance to get out of this pandemic and resume an efficient education process, with physical presence in the classrooms. We must all put our shoulders to the wheel ‒ from rector to student, from minister to employee ‒ to vaccinate young people, employees and all people. About 96% of the University’s academic staff and 92% of the medical students are vaccinated”, the Rector emphasized.
The AMSR president Gheorghe Buruiană also reiterated the need to consolidate all efforts in overcoming the pandemic: “The fact that we, the students of Nicolae Testemitanu University, come with a message and set an example that we are vaccinated should encourage all students to return safely to the university lecture halls and become qualified specialists in the chosen field”.
“You, young people, have a chance, not only by helping directly, but also by getting vaccinated in order to continue your studies in lecture halls. Please put your shoulders to the wheel, pass on the correct information to those at home, help us protect their health. We urge you not only to become aware of the seriousness of the issue, but also to help us return to normalcy and reduce the pressure of this wave”, specified Ala Nemerenco, Minister of Health.
”Your involvement is crucial, I believe in the potential of students and in their power of involvement, solidarity and support for the authorities. Try to participate as actively as possible”, Anatolie Topala, Minister of Education and Research, urged.
”We are all vulnerable to the virus, regardless of age and social status. This campaign help us communicate, access and provide data and information based on scientific evidence on the need for COVID-19 vaccination”, stated Stela Gheorghita, program coordinator, WHO Country Office, Republic of Moldova.
It should be mentioned that the rectors of country’s higher education institutions have signed an Appeal by which they take responsibility for developing an effective campaign and commit to participate in the process.
According to official data, at present, the vaccination rate of people aged 18-24 is 18.1%.
Photo-credit: WHO Moldova.
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